There are two main ways to attach a door knocker to your door. These are bolt-through and surface-fixed. In this guide, we explain how to fit a surface-fixed door knocker.




Parts of a Door Knocker


Diagram of a Polished Marine Stainless Steel Ring door knocker with labels pointing to the strike pin, fixing screws, door knocker and backplate.

Tools Needed

To complete this job, you'll need the following tools:

  • Wooden or composite door
  • Surface-mounted door knocker
  • Pencil
  • Electric drill
  • Drill bits
  • Wood screws
  • Screwdriver
  • Hammer



How to Fit a Surface-Mounted Door Knocker

1. Choose your position

Start by deciding where you'd like your knocker to be fitted on your door. Avoid fitting it over any mouldings, windows, or existing hardware, and not too high up the door (to ensure it's accessible for people of all heights).

 From The Anvil's Pewter Ring door knocker positioned on a wooden door.

2. Mark your screw holes

Once you're happy with the position of your door knocker, take a pencil and mark the position of each of the screw holes. Ensure you hold the product firmly in place while marking so that it doesn't move.

 Person marking the screw hole of a Pewter door knocker on a wooden door using a pencil.

3. Drill your screw holes

Remove the product from the door and use a 2mm drill bit on an electric drill to drill into the four screw holes you marked on the door. Go slowly, taking care not to scratch the surface of your door.

 Person using an electric drill to screw four screw holes into a wooden door to fit a door knocker,

4. Tighten your screws

Once your holes have been drilled, hold the knocker up to the door and place the first screw in, partially tightening it (but not all the way). Repeat the process for the remaining three screws, until all four screws are partially tightened, making sure the position of the door knocker hasn't moved.

Carefully tighten all screws, ensuring the product is attached firmly in place.

 Person using a screw driver to screw a screw into a door knocker to attach it to a wooden door.

5. Mark your strike plate position

Once the door knocker has been fitted, you're ready to fit the strike plate.

With the knocker in its resting position, make a note of where it touches the door. Then lift the knocker up, and mark this position using a pencil.

 Person using a pencil to mark the position of a pilot hole on a wooden door beneath a Pewter door knocker.

6. Drill your pilot hole

Using the mark you made in the last step, drill a pilot hole with a 3mm drill bit. Drilling a pilot hole helps prevent the wood/composite door splitting in the next step when fitting the strike plate.

 Person using an electric drill to drill a pilot hole in a wooden door for a strike plate.

7. Insert your strike plate

Place the strike plate into the pilot hole you've just drilled, then gently hammer it into position. Be careful not to split the door material.

Test that your door knocker works as expected by hitting it against the strike plate. If all steps have been followed correctly, you should now have a function door knocker on your door!

 Person using a hammer to insert a strike plate into a wooden door below a Pewter door knocker.


Safety Precautions

  • Protect your ears when using power tools (such as electric drills) by using ear plugs or defenders. 
  • Ensure you have all the safety equipment required before starting your project. Depending on the tools you're using, this may include a dust mask, safety goggles, or a hard hat.
  • When using a hammer or drill, ensure it's always directed away from your body to minimise the risk of accidents.
  • When using a drill (or other power tools) ensure hair is tied back to avoid getting caught.

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