

About Ebony

An ebonised finish made from rosewood timber. Favoured for its rich dark tones, this finish is a popular choice in traditional properties and often used to complement rim locks or to create a statement on internal doors. When paired with brass it accentuates the traditional look and when used with nickel or chrome it creates a more contemporary feel. Best suited for internal use but can also be used externally if well maintained.

Our Ebony products are best complemented by a painted finish, contrasting well with muted, bold, and dark colours alike.

Caring for Ebony

Please note that we recommend regular waxing of your timber products with our ‘Maintenance Wax’ (33002). This will help to prevent any discoloration or drying of the timber. Waxing also helps to provide a protective barrier against environmental elements. Regular oiling of all moving parts using our ‘3-in-1 Oil’(92337) is beneficial to the longevity of your products. This process is also highly recommended during initial installation.