Deadlocks & Deadbolts

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Heavy Duty Tubular Deadbolt | From The Anvil
From £16.75
BlackPVD BrassSatin Stainless SteelPewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished NickelPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished BronzePolished Stainless Steel+ 10 more
Euro Profile Deadlock | From The Anvil
From £38.64
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelPolished Stainless SteelPVD BrassSatin BrassSatin ChromeSatin Stainless Steel+ 10 more
BS 5 Lever Deadlock KD | From The Anvil
From £31.79
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished NickelPolished Stainless SteelPVD BrassSatin BrassSatin ChromeStainless Steel+ 10 more
BS 5 Lever Deadlock KA | From The Anvil
From £44.64
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackPewter PatinaPVD BrassPolished BrassPolished BronzeStainless SteelPolished ChromePolished NickelPolished Stainless SteelSatin BrassSatin Chrome+ 10 more
½" Rebate Kit for Deadbolt | From The Anvil
Pewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished Bronze+ 5 more
½" Rebate Kit for Dead Lock | From The Anvil
From £30.38 Sold Out
Pewter PatinaPolished BrassAged BrassSatin BrassPolished NickelPolished ChromeSatin ChromeAged BronzePolished BronzePolished Stainless Steel+ 7 more
What’s the difference between a deadbolt and a deadlock?

A deadlock is a type of lock that can only be unlocked with a key when it’s in deadlock mode. Deadlocks can contain 3 or 5 levers, with additional levers increasing security. It can be operated using a key from either side of the door and usually works independently to any door knob/lever handles.

A deadbolt is very similar to a deadlock, but the bolt doesn’t contain levers, and instead of being locked and unlocked via a key, it’s often used in bathrooms where it’s operated via a thumbturn.

What’s the difference between a standard and heavy-duty lock?

The only difference is the strength of the spring contained within the mechanism. Standard locks have a standard spring which is suitable for sprung lever handles/knobs. Heavy-duty locks have a much stronger spring which gives them the strength required to return an unsprung lever handle or door knob to its original position.

What size lock do I need?

This depends on which door furniture you’re planning to use. With a lever handle, a 2.5” or 3” lock should be suitable. However, if you’re using a door knob, we recommend using a lock that’s 3” or bigger to ensure the knob is positioned far enough away from the edge of the door frame. If you use too small a lock, you risk catching your knuckles on the edge of the door when trying to turn the knob.