Lever on Rose Sets

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Art Deco Lever on Rose Set | From The Anvil
From £237.34
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 3 more
Hammered Newbury Lever on Rose Set (Sprung) | From The Anvil
From £144.22
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 5 more
Newbury Lever on Rose Set (Sprung) | From The Anvil
From £136.31
Aged BrassAged BronzeMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Marine SS (316)Polished NickelSatin BrassSatin Marine SS (316)+ 8 more
Hinton Lever on Rose Set (Sprung) | From The Anvil
From £174.55
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 2 more
Avon Round Lever on Rose Set (Unsprung) | From The Anvil
From £137.35
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackExternal BeeswaxPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Marine SS (316)Polished NickelSatin Marine SS (316)+ 8 more
Avon Round Lever on Rose Set (Sprung) | From The Anvil
From £137.35
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackExternal BeeswaxPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Marine SS (316)Polished NickelSatin Marine SS (316)+ 8 more
Brompton Lever on Rose Set (Sprung) | From The Anvil
From £144.22
Aged BrassAged BronzeBlackMatt BlackPewter PatinaPolished BrassPolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Marine SS (316)Polished NickelSatin BrassSatin Marine SS (316)+ 9 more
Reeded Lever on Rose Set | From The Anvil
From £158.70
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 2 more
Newbury Lever on Rose Set | From The Anvil
From £158.67
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 2 more
Hinton Lever on Rose Set (Unsprung) | From The Anvil
From £174.55
Aged BrassAged BronzePolished BronzePolished ChromePolished Nickel+ 2 more