What are Heavy Duty Sash Locks?

Much like standard sash locks, heavy duty sash locks consist of a latch, operated by a lever handle or door knob, and a lock operated by a key. Sash locks are usually mortised into the door, and are one of the most common lock styles for both interior and exterior doors.

The difference between a standard sash lock and a heavy duty sash lock is that a heavy duty sash lock contains a very strong spring which is necessary for returning unsprung lever handles and door knobs back to their horizontal position.

Exploded diagram of a black heavy duty sash lock with two ebony beehive door knobs. Each part of the products has a line pointing to it with a small descriptive line about its function

Components Explained

Heavy Duty Sash Lock - designed to be used with any of our unsprung lever handles. Mortised into the door and screw fixed in.

Unsprung Knob Set - all of our door knob sets are unsprung and therefore use the spring incorporated into the lock to return to their original position.

Threaded Spindle - a standard threaded spindle for use solely with knob sets and on doors with a maximum thickness of 44mm. Larger spindles can also be provided for thicker doors so feel free to get in touch for this purpose.

Wood Screw Fixings - supplied with matching wood screw fittings.

Key Locking - all of our sash locks come supplied with 2 or 3 keys and can either be keyed to differ or keyed alike.

Escutcheons -  escutcheons are used to tidy up the appearance of the hole in your door made by the keyhole, and to protect the door against marks or scratches made by the key. One escutcheon is screw fixed to each side of the door.

Receiver Plate - screw fixed to the frame of the door.

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